Sea of Inspiration
Tree of Inspiration (1999)
Brooch "Silverfish" (2012) - Driftwood, pearls, silver paint, metal granules, silver, steel
choose materials which I can "feel". That means nature materials with
some kind of spirit, materials with a touch, colour or light. I build kind of
bridges between the materials, fit them
into each other, make something special…
Brooch "210 B.C.", 2012, Alginate, bronze, copal, iron paint
Cast of a warrior-miniature sculpture of the terracotta army in Xi'an (central China).
Copal is natural hardened, subfossil tree resin, which is usually aged between a few decades and a few thousand years.
Copal is natural hardened, subfossil tree resin, which is usually aged between a few decades and a few thousand years.
History of
bronze, sculpture like soldier, hide underwater.
Alginate is
a material which is derived from seaweed. Mixed with water, it serves as a
jelly-like mass for body forming. After loosing its moisture, looses the most
of its weight. The lightness of this biological material has intrigued me. This
was the moment for me to take it for my jewelry.