DzuBox II exhibition in gallery Cin Cin, Bratislava

Here are some pictures made by Jan Ferus at the exhibition opening in Gallery Cin Cin situated in Bratislava. The exhibition was organized by dzubox jewellery, which is a slovak platform for young contemporary jewelry. The opening was on 9th of May and most of the artists were present.
Untill 2nd of July you can see there works from Lucia Babjaková, Janka Bálik, Lucia Bartková, Andrea Durianová, Lucia Gasparovicová, Marián Hornyák, Kristína B. Hronceková, Hany H. Kasicková, Jan Michalisko, Viktoria Münzker and Kristýna Spanihelová.
A few days later will be this exhibition opened in Slovak Institute in Vienna, Austria.