Showcase Exhibition "CHERRY ROMANCE" @ V&V Gallery Vienna
"Lime" Paradiso - Necklace, Silver, Alginate, Flock, Glass Stones
"CHERRY ROMANCE" is the title of my first showcase exhibition at the V&V gallery in
Vienna/Austria. This Exhibition will show my jewellery pieces which I made about 3 years ago.
This series handles importance of feelings, beauty, respect and relationship. The series
"PARADISO" which will also be present is the colorful series I´ve made.
Opening: 14.4.2011, 17:00

"Cherry Romance" Brooch, china, brass silver plated
I loved this chinese cup
I didn´t have it that long
I didn´t want it to drop, but as a cup it died
I got seduced by the beauty of the fragments
I wanted to avoid the evanescence
I wanted to provide rebirth for it
I enchanted it
It enchanted me
It is jewellery